RIOT on the Beach Hackathon

June 6-11, 2020, Borkum, Germany


The hackathon will take place at Borkum, an island in the North Sea.


Why a hackathon at Borkum?

The goal of the hackathon is to get stuff done! This requires a quiet but still inspiring environment. We think an island reflects this very well.

Borkum is partially car-free. There is only one town, which is called like the island, Borkum.

Getting to Borkum

Borkum is served by ferries from Emden, Germany and Eemshaven, the Netherlands. The ferry from Emden takes 2 hours and 15 minutes and from Eemshaven 50 minutes. The harbour and the town of Borkum are connected via a little train.

Detailed information is available at

Accommodation and Costs

The hackathon base will be Jugendherberge Borkum. We will have several breakout rooms for decent hacking and presentations.

We expect that participants stay there and share a room to ease logistics and keep costs low. We will try to subsidize accommodation costs as most as possible. Details will follow.